Rights of Patients
- Be treated with respect, consideration, compassion and dignity, in a safe
and clean environment regardless of your age, gender, race, origin,
religion, sexual orientation or disabilities.
- Be addressed by your proper name and be informed about the names of the
doctors, nurses and other healthcare team members involved with your
patient’s care.
- Full protection of your privacy, dignity and confidentiality pertaining to
your care discussions, examinations and treatments.
- A clear and understandable explanation by your doctor about your
diagnosis, as well as the benefits and risks of each treatment, expected
outcome and change in medical condition
- Be provided with details of the planned treatment and surgical procedures
recommended by our doctors, including the benefits, risks and possible side
- Be protected from physical abuse and neglect.
- Receive information from the hospital regarding the expected cost of
treatment and payment policies
- Request for a copy of your medical records as per protocol.
- Agree / Refuse to participate in research / experimental
- Request for change of doctors/ consultants if you are not satisfied with
the treating doctor.
- Be entitled to be discharged against medical advice, after being informed
of the medical consequences of your decision and upon accepting
responsibility for your decision.
- Be entitled to provide your feedback, recommendations and / or complaints
regarding the hospital and / or our staff without fear or reprisals.
- Be assured of the privacy and confidentiality of your medical records and
all aspects of care administered during your stay.
- In case of treatment by any consultant, itis the duty of the patient to
see that they communicate with the consultant well before the treatment and
get themselves aware of all the treatment protocols, procedures, risks,
complications by the treating consultant
- Access Advocacy in case of refuse / neglect which will be subject to
proper medical laws and guidelines.