Christ Hospital offers laboratory services for both outpatients and inpatients. Also, those who wish to avail only laboratory services which are prescribed by another doctor outside of the group can also undergo these tests. Health check-up for various age groups and special packages for men, women and elderly are also offered. The laboratory services are available round the clock for surgical and medical emergency services. Laboratory Medicine department includes Pathology, Microbiology, Bio-Chemistry. Modern infrastructure, periodic calibration of equipment to ensure accurate results and continuous skill upgradation of staff is the hall mark of the department. A team of pathologists, microbiologists, biochemists and clinical pathologists work together following all standard protocols for conducting tests. Infection control practices as prescribed by the World Health Organisation and Centre for Disease Control are meticulously followed. These practices are continuously monitored so that patients are offered the best practices in prevention and transmission of diseases. Services include: Haematology Clinical pathology Biochemistry Microbiology Histopathology Cytology Special services: Tests for prevention, diagnosing and monitoring diabetes Screening tests for mothers to determine genetic predisposition and Rh incompatibility Culture and sensitivity tests for various body fluids, pus, tissues etc to determine infectivity and sensitivity to drugs.